Business Tradelines

What Are Tradelines & Do I Have Any?

A tradeline is basically just an entry into a business's credit history. Tradelines are created when a credit provider records information about a business credit account and delivers that information to a business credit reporting agency. The information normally recorded about each tradeline includes the name of the credit provider that recorded the information, the type of account, the date when the account was opened, the credit limit for the account, the status of the account, the activity on the account, the balance owed on the account and payments made. Credit reporting agencies commonly sell tradeline information to other companies. The information is often used by such companies to make decisions regarding the creditworthiness of a business.

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If you have credit accounts in your business name you may already have a few tradelines. However, there is also a reasonable chance that you may not have any tradelines at all. This is because the credit providers are not required to report positive information to the reporting agencies. In order to make sure that your credit accounts result in tradelines you need to use vendors that are known to report such information even though they are not required to do so. Our Expense Matcher can match your current business expenses to vendors offering credit to help ensure that you are indeed creating tradelines.